Kamis, 26 November 2009

About Nature Full Of Life Meaning

Nature gives so many benefits and color on life, there are many lessons we can take with nature. This time the poetry collection takes a general view of nature which is an expression of the natural beauty of God's creation. Let's just look at the nature poetry below...

 Nature gives so many benefits and color on life  About Nature Full Of Life Meaning

Poetry About Nature Full of Meanings

 1. Nature Poetry: Nature Painting

God, thank you
You make the most beautiful paintings on earth
When I sit cross-legged
On this hill
I look upon the creation of You
My gratitude toward you swelled

You gave nature as an inspiration
Make me enjoy to live on
Look at the natural surroundings,
So much green blend with the blue of the sky
I lay down on the grass
Enjoy the moment for now

The tall reeds block my view
I closed my eyes and feel the air
The night breeze will coming soon
Changing the sun that shining gloomily

 I'm still listening
What the bird whistles on the branches
He was really closed
Especially when nature has been lulled
Sign that the cold and silence will come

2. Nature Poetry: Sea God

I know,
This realm is yours
This sea
Is your kindness
The wave,
Is your power

A breeze in the downstream
The wave loud flowing by
The same speed and packaging
Often tries to drive away

So, what will I write like?
A thousand lines are scratched
Just another story to tell
With peace of the ocean

Even the waves try to look down
Break the neck swollen with curves
And overtaken by the high seas
There are people say;
“don't be spoiled by the experience”
That's all from you,
The sea god
The mighty above all

3. Nature Poetry: The Beach

 On the seashore
 I close my eyes
 Even still tired
 I don't know what to do
And what happens next
Still don’t have an idea

 I lay on the sand
 Surrounding with thousands of scattered garbage
 I can only stay silent
 Think deeply again and again
Bring the old memories

 Back then, I still remembered
 My eyes see
 The pine tree is very neat
 Now it's getting worn out without being treated
 the weeds are trying to laugh,
 scold me who was only able to stay silent

 A breeze that was once cool
 Now I feel very faint
 But I still hope
 One day, nature remains the same
 Give us more pleasure to come
Like the old days who never gone
In my eternal memory…

 Nature gives so many benefits and color on life  About Nature Full Of Life Meaning

4. Nature Poetry: I Love My Home

 Father, children, and mother
 They have all gone home
 Bathing and cooking
The same day, the same moment
 Make food for the night
Have a nice talk to share things together

 The birds began to fly low
 They return to the nest
 In the dark trees
 Sign for the sun,
To hide now for a moment

 Just like us
 The bird flies away to wander
 But still, no way back
 Come home to rest in silence

Earth is a big house
That loved by everybody
A peaceful house
With calm and happiness
We must keep the balance
For the sake of the world

5. My Quiet Village

 The calm mountain water
 Filled with the shade trees, very shady
 My eyes see, something beautiful
 The nature thought that to me
That I will remember this forever

 Far away there
 In a shady, while hidden by the trees
 Smoke began to rise
 From the kitchen of the house
which began to emerge one by one

 Spacious fields saw from far away
 The streets are quiet
 When the sun begins to slowly set
 Everything is beautiful,
 I will never forget
The moment of the village
The natural feeling of the nature
Peace and calm without any pressure
The feeling that you never feel before

We can take many signs of god while we look up upon the nature. We are also must be in harmony with the surrounding nature, to keep the balance of the earth so we can feel and gratitude about our life. If you still want to see the latest poetry content, you can subscribe and don't forget to share it, ok?

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