Kamis, 26 November 2009

Poem About Friendship That Express The Moment

Having best friends is a gift, they are people who are very close to us, knowing very well our character without judging it. Below is the collection of best friend poem that express the exciting moments of their presence in our lives...

Friendship Poem

 they are people who are very close to us Poem About Friendship That Express The Moment

Poem About Friendship: Beautiful Friend

Hi beautiful
Yea, you’re beautiful
Not just outside
Inside beauty too

Your words
make me calm
creating comfortable

Always bringing my favorite thing
From food until the magazine
Your coming never boring
Always there’s something new
We’re discussing

Sometimes, it raises jealousy
How could an angel come to this earth
Every place you stand on
Always makes everything feel better

You’re my idol, my inspiration
That smile, that patience...
Symbol of true beauty
Being a friend and parents as well

You’re a rare creature
I’ve ever met
Never change a bit
Among time and days

Friendship Poem: My Patient Friend

He’s my friend
The most patient one
There's no day without you
Even though only eating instant noodle
We still can enjoy it freely

Thank you
for your presence in my life
Giving color
Although, sometimes
causing trouble
But still, you are very patient

despite you, I've been in the gutter
because of our reckless
even the cellphone is broken
And ever get C
for fighting against the lecturer

You’re still my true friend
Someone who means something to me
anywhere, anytime
Our friendship is
like tea without sugar

Like sugar and flour
Different but need each other
Friend, one day...
I gonna miss you so

Friendship Poem: Thank you, friend...

Congratulations on your new duty
Even though together
we turned out differently
You step forward
while I'm stopped here

Congratulations my friend
For Continuing our struggle
Defending the country and nation
becomes the pride of the family

I will continue the struggle in another place
Our friendship will be everlasting
Look look at me here
Hoping the best of you

Take good care of yourself
Wipe your tears
Tomorrow is our last day
I will return with my soul
And you walk with your courageous soul

We will maintain this string together
in different places and paths
Later we will be reunited
If God wills, I’ll come

Thank you, friend,
And see you later


Friendship Poem: Never Ending Friendship

We have different Dusk
Under the sunlight, we walk
The atmosphere illustrates our long story

Busyness is a distance that separates,
but true friendship is always capable
have a gap between each other

Our story is colored like a rainbow
Heal each other when injured
Share when quiet

Still be a pleasant, fighting companion...
Because you are
the most important part of this trip
In this part of the world or that
Our friendship is never-ending


Friendship Poem: Comrade In Arms

The twilight was
shining that afternoon
Describe the bright future
that we stand for

Sad and wounds will heal
Because friends grow
with each other
Not lost when one fell

Here and there
Morning until evening
morning here morning there
We pass through together

scatter hope here and there
Wounds scratched here and there
Today is full of struggling

One thing we promise to
We should make it
Grab it, get it, achieve it
It’s not easy
But worthed

We will drive this
In our golden ink
As great accomplishment
We’ve ever got

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