Kamis, 26 November 2009

Collection About Life Lesson Poem

We walk in life to make a process. Gain a lot of experience and new understanding that is useful to increase our value. Here are some poems about life, hopefully, can give us another point of view about life for improving ourselves in the future. Let's see the poem below, happy reading guys, and don’t forget to leave a message…

Life Lesson Poem 

 Gain a lot of experience and new understanding that is useful to increase our value  Collection About Life Lesson Poem

1. Searching Of Life

Years by years goes by
Without understand of the meaning
We keep moving forward

Happiness and sadness always takes turn
Everything come and go fixed by time
Forcing us to search about the meaning

Life is unique
There is a struggle and also betrayal
Like the wheel who run endlessly

It's not about who we are
It's about what we have to do now
Searching our true self
To find happiness in our life

How many things did we achieve now?
Everything will go after the death come
Searching the true meaning,
Not the same with the search for material

No babies born in anger or arrogant
We create them to be like that
How shame we are playing pitty like that
Introspection breeds awareness,
for our true happiness

2. Sweet Memory

Together, we have written many stories
With the symphony that we hear together
It's just a memory with full of sympathy
And now it's just gone by the times by

I walk to enter this memory
The image still clear to me
Can’tbe forgotten

Meet without regret
Talking so long and deep
Find the new idea and vision
Put our words together,
Combine our feeling,
With full of meaning

I still remember the moment
Never forget the memories
Can’tbe deleted by the time
It's always inside my soul
Keep and guard with full of love

3. Just Perception

First impression sweet and beauty
Wrapped by the smile,
That looks so pure and honest
The sweet promise cover up the failure
And the truth block by the mask of the sweet things

Silent doesn’t mean dumb
Crying doesn’t mean weak
Nod doesn’t mean agree
And not everything sees can be seen

The pure mind and soul,
It's just like a treasure
Buried and hard to find

The fact is,
Not every rude is a cruel thing
The fact is,
Not every generosity is fair
Everything has their own price to take

Many people around us
Less of them knowing us
Judge things by perception
And welcome to the new kala of deception

 Gain a lot of experience and new understanding that is useful to increase our value  Collection About Life Lesson Poem

4. Mirror of Past

Past it just a past
A place where memories belong to
Some of them can’tlet go
Keep the past whole entire life
Even the bodies have been rotten
We keep saving the past
In pain and agony

Everything is done can’tbe change
No matter hard we try
It can’tchange
Stay eternal without being scratched

Let the card still on the box
Feel happy for what we got
And wake up to chase the dream
Because the past can't be changed
Respect of life today
for a more beauty moment later

5. Greet With Big Smile

Time is the most precious things
Learn from process
So we can see the access

Free our mind from the system
Open up every side of life
To see good things in many ways

Don’t be afraid to move forward
Everything has a meaning
Keep pushing forward
Without scared of falling

Learn from a mistake,
Make things become perfect
Learn from our stupidity
To find out the integrity

Free your mind
To find true happiness
Everything goes will come back in a memory
Lets we greet with a big smile
And said “My life is wonderful”

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