Kamis, 26 November 2009

11 Love Poem For Your Lover Touching Heart

A life partner is a gift in our lives. As a companion who always side by side, and who know us inside out without regret it. We walk to continue our life journey together and face many things ahead. Here are some expressions of the heart through the words of poetry about the lover who has accompanied our days...

 and who know us inside out without regret it 11 Love Poem For Your Lover Touching Heart


Our Time

can't be angry
because you are the most beautiful gift
that embraces my lifeline
in full of joy

A piece of smile
that you leave
on the twilight sky
erases my frustration
 into laughter

Then, this missing
is suddenly filled
with abundant beauty

Is this a sign?
That you’re the one?

The first time my gaze
Rolling  in your pure eyes
I was trapped
In unreasonable happiness

Knowing you is a gift
hurting you is a ban
The encounter brings happiness

You are as formidable
complicated and rare
But great

Let me in your side
Morning, day and night
Every time, everywhere
To create our never sad time


You Are the Answer 

Every second of life
In my emptiness
Living alone for years
It’s like time pass so slow
Not move at all

Until one day
You come like a miracle
A raindrops in a dry land
refresh the desert, cool and softly

almost, I used to fall free
falling  into the pit of despair
All of the hurt is disappearing

Thanks to your gentle soul, dear
The gentleman that comes as a solace
Showering the flowers in my soul
Which used to wither in no man's land

like beautiful rainbow hue
Coming  after rainstorm
bringing happiness
in every inch of my time


Light Of Love

There’s always you
Here in my side
Never turn away
Because of this pleasant feeling
Depend on you

Don't even leave me a second
Footsteps of you beside me
Such big support
So just stay...

Keep walking with me, babe
Because with you
Never I felt vulnerable
among thousands of burdens

I believe in you
planted firmly in my heart
That smile is a healer of all longs
Your pure love is a true cure
For my fragile heart


My First Love

I never believed in love at first
The love that people always talk about
How beautiful love
that can always be intoxicating

I don’t believe it
Will never believe
That was my belief first
used to always look away

I used to always be sure and believe
would climb this mountain of life alone
I certainly strong
That’s My previous arrogance

But immediately
a strange pulse tickling in my heart
A beat that won't calm down
Seeing a cool man before me

His elegance and politeness
Can’t be able to deny
Then make this feeling fall
In the first sight of love


The Eternity Love

You’re like the moonlight
Light every dark night
Like a flickering starlight
Which adorns the vastness of the dark sky

Your softness is like a pure white cloud
Your smile is like the morning sun
shining the bottom of the heart

You're faithful never fades
even though time is getting worn out
always charming
coloring my whole world

Thank you so much dear
For always be here with me
In good and bad of life
In happiness and sadness

No day passes without our love sparkling
All the stumbling blocks in our way
Won’t be able to change these feelings
Because this feeling is eternity love



 and who know us inside out without regret it 11 Love Poem For Your Lover Touching Heart

An Angel Without Wings

Her softness
stunned me
Staring beautiful Moon
Just like seeing her face

She’s a strong girl
Facing all the trouble
Facing a real situation
by herself

The harder she gets a problem
The smarter she get the idea
Always smile, as if everything is fine

How could you survive?
How could you still stand strongly?
I’m a man, but can’t hold your hand
Can’t do anything

She’s an angel without wings
Can’t fly, can’t bring me to the cloud
But your inner beauty inspire me
Make a promise, to make you happy

Don’t be afraid
I will be your wing
Supporting everything you need
To catch the dream, together...


You’re, The One

Wish you knew
What in my heart is
What I am feeling right now

wish you can feel
I'm begging you
Respond to this feeling
could you say something
about your heart feeling

If you only knew...
Only you in my heart ...
carving into the soul ...
hunting me every second

you’re the one ...
spreading love in my heart
sharing a beautiful feeling as well
but, I just felt it by myself

Love arises
When I see you
In a sudden way
Only to you
The one and only



Can I paint love for you?
Streaking a million colors
that can make you
more beautiful ...

Can I paint love for you?
Like the butterfly
With it’s blue-winged,
Fly together to rainbow land

Can I paint love for you?
Signing tiredness
In anxiousness
Of loving you


A Sheet of Love Poem

Glued in anxiety
Can’t hide it through fingers tip
There was no longer a peaceful place
Just remain this tired
Yea, tired feeling

Suppose that time didn’t happen
Maybe my heart won't break like this
My steps stopped in the dark of the night
My eyes are blocked by a deep chasm
My God, I’m blind of love

My hearing was faintly erratic
My heart wanders in waves of anger
My body is limp
It’s hard feeling

Can’t predict what’s going on
My spirit is weak, my heart is hard
Darling, you’re my everything
So forgive me and love me again



Come back, my love
Come back to me
Love me as sincerely
as your heart
Because I can't live without you

Someday, If I left
Not because I gave up
But I left because of time
And space
separating us

If that happens
Forgive me
No more by your side
Because we are separated
by time and space

If time was on my side
From the beginning
since the first time I met you
I should say loving you
Because it's all yours

Then Keep living your dreams
Even though it's not with me then
Because of Your happiness
Is my happiness too



You suddenly come and fill my empty heart
Only you are in my mind right now
I don't know how you fill my heart
It makes me don’t understand

It feels like my heart is getting erratic ...
you are a valuable one ...
Look at me fighting for your love ...

This love blooms so wide
But you never realize that

Despite this heartache
I'm here, Always...
waiting for you

So please, be aware...
For this love feeling babe...


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