Kamis, 26 November 2009

4 True Friendship Poem Deep And Touching

There are many people we can make friends with us, but not all of them can be true friends. Friends are just friends, sometimes they come and go as they please, not with true friends. The poem below is an expression of a true friend who is so touching about friendship and the memorable moment that we enjoy together before…

True Friendship Poem

 There are many people we can make friends with us 4 True Friendship Poem Deep And Touching

Friend's Advice

black Overcast brought darkness
Dropping rain from many regrets
Really, that regret won't give the good
You've never encountered an answer

The lost cloud,
Please bring a rainbow smile
Bring a ray of happiness
Really, all that
Doesn’t come from regret

Try to invite thousands of happiness
Erase all regrets
Get up together, face all obstacles
Happy, hard, sad, joking,
we laugh together

Everywhere like letters and stamps
that are already attached to each other
You always comfort me
when I'm depressed and
I comfort you when you're sad
That's all we do sincerely
and complement each other

But sometimes...
time is different
When time is not on our side
Which made you and I separate finally,

Which ends you
leaving me with your shadow
Who don't know where it looks
Which now finally
has no heart and also feelings


About my best friend

My best friend,
you're like dewdrops in the morning
Which will wet the dryness of the heart
Which can fertilize
and cool the soul park

My friend,
you are like a bright star
at night in the sky
Always accompany
the solitude of the grieving month
Which can illuminate
the dark complexion of the universe

My friend,
you are like a shady tree
with millions of branches
To be able to shade
the unbearable heat of the sun

My friend,
you are like a spring from a holy lake
It flows clear and incessantly
Which can eliminate
the thirst in this self
In freshness, calmness

My friend, you are like the pouring rain
Watering every corner of the dusty earth
able to clean millions of leaves
In silence, holiness

Hey voiceless birds
Please tell my story about his presence
A kind-hearted person in my life
My best friend


Rays From A Friend

In a silence
On a gem road
About life
that is sometimes erratic
and sometimes reversal

To assemble a story in solitude
A sincere word from someone
Suddenly it became a ray
Of all the sorrows and laughter

Like a rainbow that spreads joy
Even like the moon that walk in the dark
When I fell and let it go

friends ...
Accompany with millions of sparkling stars
Which gives a twinkle of light in the dark
Let's get up and assemble the story of friendship
A story that will never

Let's live
and enjoy together
A destiny that we will live
with thousands of struggles


True Friends

The longer I live this life
Who is always with me is
my best friend...

So many memories that we pass
A happiness that we always feel together
Sometimes it just disappears
It has been taken by death unexpectedly

My best friend
Now you have left,
diving, leaving me
Leave all our memories

It kills me
It’s killing me
Causing a tear
Dropping on my cheek

My best friend
Although we’re not together
And having different lives
But our hearts remain one in our love

Because you are my true friend
Goodbye, my best friend
Your love will always be united
in my deepest heart


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