Kamis, 26 November 2009

9 Life Poem Short, 6 Poem Life And Death

Life gives a lot of inspiration and also learning. That's why we called it a “gift”. One of life's inspirations is poetry with some diverse perspectives. Here are some collections of poetry about life that hopefully can inspire.

 Life gives a lot of inspiration and also learning 9 Life Poem Short, 6 Poem Life And Death

Life Poem Short 

1. It's Okay

If you feel tired already
It's okay if you want to stop
If you feel life is not fair
It's okay if you want to be alone

Everything is set up
Follow the path that flows
No need to think hard
If you are good at being grateful
There will be no more sadness

2. Gone

Lost without knowing direction
Take off all the complaints
Surrender by the pressure
No need to blame someone
Because It's all my mistake…

3. We Are One

We are just seeds that overlap
Then grow through several seasons
No broken or corruption

Then the wind coming
Then we all collapsed
And just only one that keeps stood
Watch us endlessly

4. At the edge of City

Two men chasing by time
Wet scent all the way
After the rain swap the dust
Step on the puddle

Keep walking without a care
Keep forward to reach the goal

The sky getting dark soon
Only a portrait can pump his spirit to move on
While he walks, he thinks hard and said,
“Can I reach home on time?”

5. Rain is Coming

People cheer for joy
The blue sky turns black
The clouds bring the thunder
Sign the rain will coming
People waiting for the rain
It will heal the world
Our land no longer dry
The rain has returned

6. Hypocrite

They always smile
Look happy without any problems
Looks beautiful from the outside
But feels dry inside

Just trying to please others
Forget about own happiness
The soul struggles with no power to pretend

Want to go far away,
and never come back
But that cant happen
Everything has become like this

7. Cold Moment

Just the raindrops sound
In the middle of the night
The weather so cold,
Make me comfortable in bed

The room light looks warmed
It’s a gift in this cold moment
But the window cant hold the wind
The cold moment brings old memories
Close the eyes and enjoy the moment
No need to worry
Everything it's okay
Even in the middle of the cold night

8. Cheer my heart

The flower that I tied
So beautiful
Not for someone
Only for me
I keep myself
To cheer my heart
Who has been hurt so deeply
When you said to leave me,
Without giving any reason,
Just go away no trace at all…

9. We pray and grateful

There's always a story when dusk comes
I heard it was beautiful and meaningful
Although the rain wet the ground
The land just started to sing a song
Laugh cheerfully as the world begins to smile
Even though it's gonna be dark soon
The land did not change at all
Still warmed and safe

In the middle of the night
Under the starlight
We pray and grateful
For the chance that we still have now
And for what we have right now

 Life gives a lot of inspiration and also learning 9 Life Poem Short, 6 Poem Life And Death

Poem Life And Death

1. Just Alone

We are born by solitude
Walk with all devotion
And meet with million of mask every day
Until death come in silence

we have everything
we feel anything that comes
in the end, they all go by the death come

money can't save
rank and position are abandoned
everything disappears in seconds
born in solitude
die alone with your own

2. Discord

I fell into no man's land
Faded cant grows
Like an autumn leaves
Fall down weakness
Without no one cares

How to get away from this sadness
Has come into my soul
Like walking in the middle of the night
No light, and no guidance
Will the symphony come again
or just wait for the death to come over

3. The Rainbow Say Goodbye

A rainbow shows his beautiful charm
Cheer up our life
But as time goes by,
The rainbow must say goodbye
Fake not eternal
Just like our life that will gone for sure
Nothing last forever
Everything will end by the time
What goodness that we have done?
Or just a fun things to do without meaning at all

4. No One Can Escape

We grow every day
Pass the time with reflection
Move to find the happiness
To give peace in our loneliness
nothing is certain except death
no one can escape death
everything will surely meet with death
many are afraid but some are waiting
because death is a sure thing

5. Just Focus

Try to look up, guys
The sky still blue
And the river still flows
Nothing to worried about
Everything has come according to His plan
Focus and do some effort
Don’t look for the result
It's all being given by Him

A big smile can change your day
It's not pretending
Just try to moving
Nothing to complaint about
Just try and try again…
When the time comes
The result will be sweet

6. Find Meaning

They are busy looking
They are busy listening
The eyes stare the far side and the near side
And then busy to compare each other
Forget for the purpose
And lost in meaningless

Different is a disaster, they said…
All must be the same as they want
We are just puppets that walk the earth
Without being able to find the meaning
Of everything…

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