Kamis, 26 November 2009

4 Poem About Life Lessons Full Of Meaning

life is the most beautiful blessing we must be thankful for, there are many things we can get from the life that was created. Good and bad are only a matter of perception, in the end, everything is good for us to take lessons.

Poem about life lessons

 life is the most beautiful blessing we must be thankful for 4 Poem About Life Lessons Full of Meaning

Simple Thing that I couldn’t buy

I’ve got
Everything I want
I achieved
Everything need
I can buy it
If I’m willing it

But ...
There’s something
That I can’t buy
Yea, that’s true love...

I can pay
My friend’s drink.
Share happiness,
Laugh and smile on the table
Keep them comfortable.
But still
This emptiness hits me hard.

I missed the sincerity
A faithful love
Unconditional love
Free love

Not because of money reason
Not because of  payment
Not because of my wealth

I’m seeking a true love
Simple Thing
That I can’t buy...

My Past

It passes by quickly
I can’t throw it back
But I just can fix
Silliness I’ve done

So many useless things
I’ve done without meaning
It just remains a regret
And disappointment

Do everything wildly
The point is
It makes me happy

But I realize
It’s foolish
And If I could
I want to  throw back time
Then fix it all

But It’s impossible to fly to the past
The only thing I can do now
Just repair the life
Make a meaningful thing
Do the best

Yea, I should fix things now
I should be in peace
With my past
To welcome the bright future

The Real Of Me

I try to walk
In the right path
As possible as I could
To make everybody happy

Everything they told me
I listen and do it
Like a sweet kid
In her trusted guidance

We cant pleased everyone
One side said it’s a red
The other side said It’s a blue
Doing this right, doing that true

I’m stranded
Into confusion
Which one right
Which one wrong

I just can stay here
In my quietness
Try to find the pure thought
And follow my heart

Goodbye “here, there” voice
This is me, it’s me
The real of me
I will do what I love to do

Sometimes It’s not right
But I can learn it better
To make it the best ahead

My Idol Was a Loser

I open the window
There’s a flash of sunlight
Burn my skin
Burn my heart too

I can see from here
A loser that I’ve humiliated
To be a success people ever
Yea, I can see it
A big poster with his name on it

Can’t believe it!
How could...
Such a pathetic one
To be charismatic one

I open my cell
Try to find news about him
Here we go to the news
“Best founder of an advanced machine”
It even can’t be imagined

For a moment the bell rings
A handsome man
With beautiful flowers
Stands in front of my door

Where his stupid glasses?
What’s going on with his geeky outfit?
Everything changing like magic!
“Thanks for supporting me all the time”
His voice resounds in my head

He must be kidding me!
I never support him with sweet words
Then he said wisely
“A true support is not always sweet words
Sometimes, the honest word is necessary
To make me as a winner
Sometimes it’s rude, but it’s true,
Thank you “

He smiled
Kiss my hand
And I congrats him
He is my Idol now

There are still more poems to come so don’t forget to subscribe and follow my Instagram @ibibazhr

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