Kamis, 26 November 2009

Sort Collection Poem For The One You Love

Being loved by someone is a pleasant thing, it's a gift that we must take it with a big heart. It feels so smooth and beautiful it leads to happiness. All are in line with the same taste, all flowing just like that and grow together with the time goes by…

Poem For The One You Love

 Being loved by someone is a pleasant thing Sort Collection Poem For The One You Love

My Truly beauty is You

Time take turns...
The beauty and ugly thing
Come and go around
But you, still
Remain pretty

It’s not about the face
Not about the body
Perhaps, ya, normally...
you are so lovely

But here I say
Your inner kindness
touching my heart
Your tenderness
Wake up my humanism sense

Many people use their mask
Nice outside, nasty inside
Saying love first
but hurting in the end

It’s different
You are different
Keep honest, gentle...
And trusted

That’s why
You’re my only choice
That’s why
I can’t take my eyes on you


Your Love

Can’t imagine
If I get through this life
Without you
It must be empty

My sky gonna be in blue
My mood might be down
If you don’t come up
If you don’t show up

Just a bit
Little bit smile
Or a bit saying Hi
It’s more than enough

I never felt this way before
admiring that much
It’s possibly love
Bewitched my heart and mind

It’s odd but real
But please
Don’t play game
With my fragility
Because you’re my illness
Also my medicine at the same time

Be good be a nice babe
Because you’re my weakness
Also my strength as well
Give me more your sweetness
To create a rainbow in my day


A Place to Go Home

This beautiful flowers
Flourish my room
Sweet and nice
It’s a simple thing to give
But special to me

Your deed
Always did it
To make me happy
Make me feel
to be the luckiest one

There’s always a little surprise
That makes me feel moved
Thank you, honey,
For everything you’ve done

There’s always you
In rain and storm
strengthen my arm
giving me save place and mild

Be here forever baby
Be like this ever after
Because only you could save me
Only you, a place I’ll be going home


A Memory to Remember

Still left in my mind
When we take apart
Your shadow lost
In the dim mist

My heart fell down
into great sorrow
hurt and sad
thread my head

Many years we’ve passed through
Remain beautiful memories
Your sweet smile and face
Hunting me all the time

When will we meet again babe?
This yearning is killing me
Although you said it’s for the best
But I still can’t believe it

Should I chasing you
Or seeking you
To cure this feeling
To erase this pain

Give me one good reason
To make me forget you forever
Give me one right explanation
To make me hate you until the end


Will You Be My Mine?

Just wait here
Don’t move a bit
I’ll give you a little surprise
B’coz it’s our time

Close your eyes
Feel this heartbeat
Inviting you to detect my feel
Flush of my love

Now open your eyes!
Here is the beautiful ring
I intend to make you
To be my mine

Will you honey?
B’coz I can’t live this life
Without you by my side
I can’t walk on this world
Without you filling my time

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